Weed Control

The term “noxious” means to be harmful or destructive, and is the legal term used to denote a destructive or harmful pest for the purpose of regulation. When a specific pest is determined to pose a serious threat to the economic, social, or aesthetic well-being of the residents of the state, it may be declared noxious by the Director of the Nebraska Department of Agriculture. Noxious weeds compete with pasture and crops, reducing yields substantially. Some noxious weeds are poisonous or injurious to man, livestock, and wildlife.

The losses resulting from noxious weed infestations can be staggering, costing residents millions of dollars due to lost production. This not only directly affects the landowner, but erodes the tax base for all residents of the state. The business of noxious weed control is everyone’s concerns, and their control is to everyone’s benefit. The support of all individuals within the state is needed and vital for the control of noxious weeds within Nebraska.”

Office Hours

Monday – Friday
7:00 AM – 4:00PM


Phone: 402-365-4366


To be certified by the Nebraska Department of Agriculture as a commercial applicator

Inspect all lands in Thayer County to determine if noxious weeds are present

Compile infestation reports and data as required by the Nebraska Director of Agriculture or Weed Control Authority

Supervise and carry out the coordinated control plan developed within the County

Complete 20 Hours of continuing education annually

Perform weed-free forage certification inspections

Frequently Asked Questions

It is the duty of each person who owns or controls land to control noxious weeds on such land.

A weed is declared noxious when it is determined that is seriously threatens the welfare of the citizens of the state and a sustained effort is necessary to control the weed and prevent it’s spread

Failure to comply with a served legal notice can result in a fine of up to $1500 or being billed for control work being done.

Only those weeds designated as noxious by the Nebraska Department of Agriculture are under the jurisdiction of the weed control authority.